- You will need to download and install SMPlayer in "C:\Program Files\SMPlayer".
- You will need to get your own Halloween sound files and place them in a folder (minimum of 4 files).
- Save this script as "Halloween.vbs". Edit the path to your files.
- Double-click the script file to run it.
'This programs automatically plays or displays each file in the
'C:\Temp\Halloween folder
'It will not repeat the last 3 played
Dim fso, folder, files, WshShell, Return, FileCount, FileList(), FileNum, RandFile, PlayList(2), Played
'Get the folder info
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set folder = fso.GetFolder("C:\Temp\Halloween\") 'EDIT THIS!
'run the file(s) randomly
Randomize 'Init random number generator
do while true = true
'load the files into the FileList array
'We do this each time in case there are new files
Set files = folder.Files
ReDim FileList(CInt(files.Count - 1), 2)
FileCount = 0
for each folderIdx in files
'load the file path/name
FileList(FileCount, 0) = folderIdx.ParentFolder
'load the file type
FileList(FileCount, 1) = folderIdx.Type
'load the short path
FileList(FileCount, 2) = folderIdx.Name
FileCount = FileCount + 1
'Pick a random file
RandFile = Int(((files.Count - 1) * Rnd) + 1)
'msgbox(FileList(RandFile, 0) & " " & FileList(RandFile, 2))
'Don't repeat the last three
Do while InStr("," & Join(PlayList, ",") & ",", "," & RandFile & ",")
RandFile = Int(((files.Count - 1) * Rnd) + 1)
'msgbox(FileList(RandFile, 0) & chr(10) & RandFile & "-|-" & "," & Join(PlayList, ",") & "," & chr(10) & InStr("," & Join(PlayList, ",") & ",", "," & RandFile & ","))
'Run the file we picked
Played = False
'don't play if the file is locked
'msgbox(fso.FileExists(FileList(RandFile, 0) & "\~$" & FileList(RandFile, 2)))
if not (fso.FileExists(FileList(RandFile, 0) & "\~$" & FileList(RandFile, 2))) and not (Left(FileList(RandFile, 2),2)="~$") then
'Is it MP3? (win 7)
if FileList(RandFile, 1) = "MP3 Format Sound" then
Set CmdExec = WshShell.Exec("C:\Program Files\SMPlayer\mplayer\mplayer.exe -really-quiet -fs " & """" & FileList(RandFile, 0) & "\" & FileList(RandFile, 2) & """")
Do While CmdExec.Status = 0
Wscript.Sleep 100
Played = True
end if
'Is it MP3? (win XP)
if FileList(RandFile, 1) = "MP3 audio file (mp3)" then
Set CmdExec = WshShell.Exec("C:\Program Files\SMPlayer\mplayer\mplayer.exe -really-quiet -fs " & """" & FileList(RandFile, 0) & "\" & FileList(RandFile, 2) & """")
Do While CmdExec.Status = 0
Wscript.Sleep 100
Played = True
end if
'Is it Wave? (win 7 and XP)
if FileList(RandFile, 1) = "Wave Sound" then
Set CmdExec = WshShell.Exec("C:\Program Files\SMPlayer\mplayer\mplayer.exe -really-quiet -fs " & """" & FileList(RandFile, 0) & "\" & FileList(RandFile, 2) & """")
Do While CmdExec.Status = 0
Wscript.Sleep 100
Played = True
end if
end if 'locked?
set CmdExec = Nothing
if Played then
'Keep track of the last 3 we played
PlayList(0) = PlayList(1)
PlayList(1) = PlayList(2)
PlayList(2) = RandFile
end if
RandTime = Int(((600000 - 1) * Rnd) + 1)
WScript.Sleep RandTime